NPR Digital Doomsday Story

I caught a fascinating digital doomsday story last night on NPR.

Google Vice President Vint Cerf’s presentation centered on the possible “digital Dark Ages.” to come. All of the ideas he raised were ideas that we discussed in the seminar, so it is primarily relevant as a summary vehicle for the question: how do we preserve data? Or, as he states: “What happens when today’s high-tech data storage systems become tomorrow’s floppy discs?”

One thought on “NPR Digital Doomsday Story

  1. This reminds me of when my dad started digitizing his record collection and getting rid of them. I thought he was a fool, but he gave them to me, so that’s okay. I find the concept of this article a challenge to wrap my head around, but I can speak to losing important data to websites disappearing or uploads corrupting.

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